1950s Queen’s Road Central, postcard, printed in Hong Kong, circa 1980, 9 x 14 cm.

It was a street scene of Hong Kong photographed at the cross of Wyndham Street. In the middle stands a woman with a red umbrella as the focus of the photo. With her slim and tall figure well matched with a white blouse and a red dress in fashionable high heels and hair-do, she could easily be thought as a model staged by the photographer. Otherwise, she might be a well-earning secretary from a big company, a sought-after job for women in the 1950s. In a sunny and hot summer day, carrying her large document envelope, she might need to run errands in the post office or bank before lunch, however, in steady steps to maintain her refined manner.


1950 年代皇后大道中》,明信片,香港印製,約 1980 年,9 x 14 cm

香港中環皇后大道中街景,攝於雲咸街口。正中央撐著紅傘的女士成了照片的焦點,她身材高挑,白衣紅裙相襯得宜,配合時尚的髮型和高跟鞋,一下子 讓人推想她是攝影師刻意安排的模特兒。不然她會是在洋行上班的秘書,擁有比當時女性待遇較優厚的職業。盛夏烈日當空,她手持公文袋,也許趕在午膳 前到郵局或銀行辦些小差,但她步伐淡定,保持溫文爾雅。
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