Sunday Morning Post, January 10, 2010, 28.9 x 38.2 cm.

In page 10 are images of the protests and riots in 1967 in Hong Kong, started as labour disputes and spread out as full-scale anti-colonialist movements. In the main picture, a photojournalist stands at the far end witnessing a police arrest. He might not have received any formal training in either journalism or photography, and only joined the school camera club and took part in some photo contests. Having dropped out from secondary school, he started as a darkroom assistant of a local newspaper for a couple of years. Not long ago he was promoted as an assistant photographer but only until now he has his first real action. He is afraid and only manages to shoot from behind.


《星期日南華早報》,2010 年 1 月 10 日, 28.9 x 38.2 厘米。

第 10 頁有幾幅攝於 1967 年有關香港的示威和 暴動情況。事情最初只是勞資糾紛,但很快便發 展成大規模反殖民運動。在主圖的遠處有一攝影 記者拍攝警察的拘捕行動。他或許沒有受過正規 的新聞或攝影訓練,只是在中學時參加過攝影學 會和一些比賽 ;他中途輟學,跑到報館當了兩年 暗房助理,不久前才進升為助理攝影師,至此才 是他遇到過的第一次真正考驗。他頗慌張,只能 從背後來拍攝。
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