Sunday Morning Post, March 6, 2011, 38.2 x 29.8 cm.

An image found on page 9 of the International News section, was taken after the massive fire erupted in the Gharib Nagar slum in Mumbai, India, on March 4, 2011. The fire turns thousands of slum dwellers into homeless, including Indian child actress Rubina Ali, who acted in the Oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire. In the picture the man on the right is walking past one of the main passageways in this village. He is in his mid-twenties, likely a young father on his way to work. To walk through the rubbles he has to be careful even this is the same route he has been walking everyday. And this is exhausting. He has had his every thought onto matters about restoring his life from the ashes and has not noticed the interview of Rubina that is taking place on the site.


《星期日南華早報》,2011 年 3 月 6 日, 38.2 x 29.8 厘米。

在國際新聞版第 9 頁刊有這幅攝於 2011 年 3 月 4 日印度孟買加里卜納加貧民窟的大火災後 的圖片。這場火災讓數以千計的人失去了家園, 當中包括曾出演奧斯卡得獎電影《一百萬零一 夜》的印度籍小演員魯賓娜阿里。圖右的男人在 村內的通道蹣跚而行,他年約二十多歲,看似一 個在上班途中的年輕父親。雖然這是他每天都會 經過的路線,但在滿佈瓦礫的情況下,還是顯得 步步為營,讓他心力交瘁。他的全副心思都在盤 算災後重整的事宜,根本沒有閒情去注意正在訪 問中的魯賓娜。
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