The Commercial News, January 6, 2014, 26.9 x 35.7 cm.

This photograph on the bottom right in page 3 in the local political and affairs news section, was taken at the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Global Tour Exhibition of Shanghai Calligraphies and Ink Paintings in Cambodia” in Phnom Penh. In the centre, a man wearing a formal suit is appreciating a landscape ink painting. Perhaps a local officer who works for the China Embassy in Cambodia, he has paid lots of effort in the coordination with all involving parties for the preparation of the exhibition and the opening ceremony. Now, he feels a sense of satisfaction while walking through the exhibits with the fellow guests after the opening ceremony. He grasps his mobile phone tightly as he needs to follow up arrangements for the celebration banquet following the opening.


《華商日報》,2014 年 1 月 6 日,26.9 x 35.7 厘米。

在本地時政版的第 3 頁,右下圖片攝於柬埔寨 金邊舉行的「海派書畫全球行—上海書畫柬埔寨 展」的開幕禮會場。在相片中央,身穿畢挺西裝 的男士在專心觀賞一幅水墨山水畫。他或許是中 國大使館的駐地職員,為了這個展覽的籌備和開 幕禮的安排,他需要與各大商會和會館代表多番 周旋,花了不少工夫。現在展覽終於開幕了,他 隨其他嘉賓參觀,有一種滿足感。他把手機抓住 不放,心裡惦掛着開幕禮後晚宴的跟進安排,還不能閒下來。
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