Khmer Daily, January 1, 2014, 27.3 x 36.1 cm

In page B3 at the top left is this photograph taken on one winter day. A group of Cambodian students take a field trip to visit the bronze statue that is newly erected in memory of Norodom Sihanouk, the King-Father of Cambodia. The third girl from the left has just climbed up the steps of the memorial pavilion. Tall and slender, she stands out from her fellow classmates. With her sweet smile and cheerful character, she is very popular among her classmates.


《高棉新聞》,2014 年 1 月 1 日,27.3 x 36.1 厘米。

在 B3 頁的左上,這圖片攝於 2013 年冬天,一 群學生參加校方安排的認識祖國歷史活動,參觀 剛於年初完工的國父西哈努克銅像。相中左三的 女生剛踏上紀念亭的台階,高挑的身材讓她在同 學之間顯得分外突出 ;而她笑容甜美和性格開 朗,很受同學歡迎。
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