Hong Kong Economic Journal, June 17, 2013, 29 x 35.5 cm.

In page B10 we see this picture of the J-10 fighter aircraft of the August 1st Aerobatics Team of the People’s Liberation Army of China, circa 2012. The second mechanic from the left carefully flattens the wrinkle of the cover of the nose cone of the plane, while staring at the callus on his hand. He has wished to be a fighter jet pilot since little. In the 1990s, he applied to the Changchun Aviation Academy of Air Force but failed the physical test. His alternative option was to study aircraft and engine maintenance in the No. 2 Aviation Academy of Air Force. After graduation, he was posted at the Yangcun Air Force Base in Tianjin, to work closely with pilots.


《信報》,2013 年 6 月 17 日,29 x 35.5 厘米。

頁 B10 可見中國解放軍空軍八一飛行表演隊的 殲 -10 戰機,攝於約 2012 年。左二的機械師小 心翼翼掃平機頭套布上的摺紋,同時打量著自己 已起繭的手掌。他自小渴望當空軍飛行員,1990 年代投考長春空軍飛行學院時,身體檢測卻未能 過關,失望之餘,只能求其次的空軍第二航空學 院,入讀飛機與發動機維修課程,畢業後派駐天 津楊村空軍站場,總算是接近飛行員的工作。
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