Financial Times, October 19, 2012, 29.2 x 34.4 cm.

In page 9 is a photo of Israeli soldiers refraining Israeli settlers from throwing stones at Palestinian farmers in West Bank. While the young man in the centre tries to argue with the soldiers that he is indeed doing the correct thing, the little boy on the right is totally disappointed and bored. Perhaps the boy comes from the nearby Ma’on Jewish settlement. He, around 8, only moved here recently with his parents and brothers from Beersheba, the largest city of southern Israel where the housing has become unaffordable, and on the other hand they were regarded a bit too cult-like in their hometown. He was told that Palestinians murdered many Jewish but he has never seen any. He enjoys yelling and stoning at the enemy, and also watching the music video of R&B singer Shiri Maimon which his parents do not approve.


《金融時報》,2012 年 10 月 19 日,29.2 x 34.4 厘米。

第 9 版的圖片可見以色列士兵正阻止以色列定 居者在西岸地區向巴勒斯坦農民擲石,中間的男 子嘗試跟士兵理論,認為自己沒有犯錯,但右邊 的小男孩已感失望和納悶。該男孩年約八歲,也 許不久之前才跟父母和兄弟從以色列南部最大城 市 Beersheba 遷到附近的 Ma'on 猶太人定居 點,是因原居地的居所已變得太貴,而且城市人 又覺得他們太過宗教狂熱。他聽說很多猶太人被 巴勒斯坦人殺害,但他都未見過 ;他只是很投入 向敵人叫囂和擲石。他也喜歡以色列 R&B 女歌 手 Shiri Maimon 的音樂錄像,不過他的父母 並不容許。
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