New Sunday Times, April 3, 2011, 36.7 x 28.7 cm.

The photograph found on page 39, was taken during a clash between the anti-government protesters and the riot police in the Damascus suburb of Douma in Syria on April 1, 2011. On one of the main roads, riot police is positing their guarding force on one end of the road, while the protesters are gathering at the opposite end. One of the protesters in a white sweater with hood is standing up front in the middle of the road. He is leaning forward and waving a special hand gesture between his legs. Is he attempting to signal to the people behind him? Or is he just trying to pick up a stone?


《New Sunday Times》,2011 年 4 月 3 日,36.7 x 28.7 厘米。

在 39 頁的圖片攝於 2011 年 4 月 1 日,是關於一場發生在敘利亞大馬士革近郊杜馬區的反政府示威者與防暴警察的對恃事件。在當地的大街上,防暴警 察正在街道的一端佈防,而示威者則集結在另一端。其中一名身穿白色衛衣的示威者在路中站在人群的前面。他俯身向前,是在向後方的群眾打訊號?還 是要拾起跟前的石塊?
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