South China Morning Post, March 1, 2011, 29.8 x 38.2 cm.

Image on page A9, it shows a tank in Zawiyah, surrounded by anti-regime protesters and its crew who deserted the military to join the opposition on Sunday, February 27, 2011 during the Libyan Civil War. Amid the sea of protesters, we see a few on the tank in green uniform who very likely are the deserters, but the one pointing his finger high up is obscure. He might be a militiaman from the opposition, or a soldier who deserted long before this day, giving a signal to the protesters on something happening on the far left, perhaps combat, surrender or occupation. However, he does not get much attention from the people and has merged into the crowd of celebration.


《南華早報》,2011 年 3 月 1 日,29.8 x 39.2 厘米。

刊於 A9 版的一幅照片,攝於 2011 年 2 月 27 日星期日利比亞扎維耶。正藉利比亞內戰,一輛 軍方坦克被示威者包圍,駕駛員紛紛變節。在人 海之中,幾名身穿綠色制服者站在坦克上該是投 誠的士兵,不過其中手指向左上方的一位則較難 說,他可能是反對派的民兵,也可能是早已投誠 的軍人。他作出特別的指示,或許左方遠處還有 什麼發生,可會是衝突、投降或佔領?可是他沒 法引起很多人的關注,只悄悄地融入整個慶祝氣 氛之中。
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