THE QUEEN, no. 2, October 2000, 29.9 x 22.6 cm.

In pages 182 and 183, we see this article about visiting Rome and Vatican in autumn with picture taken in St. Peter’s Square where people are listening to the speech of Pope John Paul II. The nun of the Ursuline order in the foreground probably comes from Brescia. In her mid- thirties, she might have only decided to become a nun not so long ago even though she was baptised as a baby born into an Italian family. Now determined to serve God, she has perhaps enrolled for missiology study at the Pontifical Urbaniana University.


《THE QUEEN》,第 2 期,2000 年 10 月, 29.9 x 22.6 厘米。

頁 182 及 183 裡有一篇關於秋天旅遊羅馬和梵 蒂岡的文章,插圖攝於聖伯多祿廣場,群眾聆聽 教宗約望保祿二世致詞。前景的吳甦樂會修女可 能來自意大利布雷西亞,她三十來歲,雖然出生 於意大利家庭,且嬰孩時已受洗,但決志當修女 都不是很久以前的事。她或已在教廷伍爾班大學 進修宣道,堅決地以事奉主為志願。
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