Joshua Bolchover and John Lin, Rural Urban Framework, booklet, published by the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, 2010, 21 x 15 cm.

The image in page 11 was taken in China in a rural area being developed with highways and residential towers. With all these constructions as background, fronted with grazing land and building materials, the farmer-turned-worker at the lower right corner works quietly to recycle those still usable. He might be a migrant. With very limited income, he may need to work in the field to grow his own food every morning before his 12 hour-long work shift.


Joshua Bolchover 與林君翰 :《城鄉架構》 (Rural Urban Framework),小冊子,香 港大學建築學院出版,2010 年,21 x 15 厘米。

11 頁之插圖,攝於一中國鄉郊正修建高速公 路及多層住宅之工地。圖片以工程為背景,夾雜 牧牛農地和建築材料,右下角出現一農民工在默 默撿拾廢物重用。他或許是外省來的,就住在工 地裡,其收入低微,每天晨早還要先下田種菜自 用,再幹活十二小時。
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