Post Magazine, August 29, 2010, 35 x 26.8 cm.

In page 19 we see this photo taken in Dhaka at the entrance of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, an institution with hospital facilities offering free care to people with serious diarrhoea. The security guards here are directing the arriving traffic. The young man in the background speaks with the guard, perhaps about his assistance for two American tourists who were admitted into the hospital earlier today. Fluent in both Bengali and English, he could be a first-year medical student from the University of Dhaka, now working as a community volunteer at the hospital for the summer.


Post Magazine》(星期日南華早報附 刊 ), 20108 2 9 日 , 35 x 26.8 厘 米 。

19 頁可見這攝於孟加拉達卡國際痢疾研究中 心的入口,該中心附設醫院,為染上嚴重痢疾的 人提供免費治療。圖中保安人員指示抵達的車輛 方向,後面的男生或許跟保安員說著今天協助兩 名美國遊客進院的情況。他能説流利孟加拉語和 英語,可能是達卡大學醫學院的一年級生,趁暑 假來醫院裏當義工。
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