Ming Magazine, July 2010, 30 x 23 cm.

At the top of page 96 is a photo taken at the Santa Pod Raceway in Bedfordshire, England. As an illustration for this article about hatchback cars, the image is not really related to the text, only implying the power of these small cars. Santa Pod indeed is famous for the world- record breaking drag racing. The course marshal on the right pays attention to his colleague who is coming to the track from the other side. Perhaps a local from the nearby Felmersham village, he must be in love with motor racing since little. He might have visited events at Santa Pod for many years on a regular basis before volunteering in the race circuit. Sometimes his children cheer for him at the grand stand.


《明日風尚》,20107 月,30 x 23 厘米。

96 頁上半部分可見這幅攝於英國貝德福德郡 的桑塔普德賽道(Santa Pod Raceway),文 章關於揭背式小汽車,圖片跟文字其實沒有太大 關係,只是暗示小車馬力也強勁而已。除了一 般賽車,桑塔普德最有名的是舉辦許多打破世 界紀錄的直線競速賽。右面的賽道人員小心翼翼 看著要從跑道對面進場的同事。他可能是附近 Felmersham 鄕村的居民,從小就喜愛賽車, 許多年都是桑塔普德的常客,現在更成為義工, 有時他的孩子也會在看台為他打氣。
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