FOCUS ASEAN, volume 3, 2013, 27.6 x 21 cm.

In page 36 is an image of people using the cash machines outside a very large branch of DBS bank in downtown Singapore. The Malay man on the right, who probably works at a 5-star-hotel nearby, only manages to use the ATM during his late lunch break. The woman in the middle might be a young housewife, on her way to collect her 4-year-old child from kindergarten. Then the young woman in red jeans on the left may be a university student; and after a long night out, just got up from bed not long ago. Leaning on the ATM, she is still recovering from last night.


FOCUS ASEAN》(東南亞國家聯盟焦 點),第 3 期,2013 年,27.6 x 21 厘米。

36 頁可見一個位於新加坡市中心的星展銀行 大型櫃員機中心,右邊的馬來男士或許就在附近 的五星級酒店工作,要在很晚的午餐時段才有空 來提取現金 ;中間的女士可能是一位年青的家庭 主婦,快要去接她的四歲孩子放學。左邊穿紅色 牛仔褲的可能是位大學女生,因為昨夜消遣至深 夜,不久前才起床 ;她倚向櫃員機,似乎精神還 未恢復過來。
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