Ming Pao Weekly, volume 2232, August 20, 2011, 27.7 x 20.8 cm.

In page 41, the photograph on the top was taken in 1979 in Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong. A group of men are erecting a paper mache tower on the last day of the Chinese Ghost Festival. The man in the middle is an active member of the neighborhood Chiuchow community that organizes this celebration. Chiuchow people are known for their loyalty to their clans, so he dresses up to respect this special occasion in a white shirt, a pair of trousers, leather shoes and also his new watch. However, as it is a hot summer day, he rolled up his pants to feel cooler but forgot to unroll one down before the ceremony started.


《明報周刊》,第 2232 期,2011820 日,27.7 x 20.8 厘米。

41 頁上面的照片可見香港長沙灣地區潮州社 團籌辦的盂蘭勝會,攝於 1979 年。相中一群男 子合力豎起紙紮的寶塔,中間的一位是社團的活 躍成員。潮州人是出名團結的,他為表重視,特 別穿上得體的白襯衣、西褲、皮鞋,還有簇新的 腕表。只是他可能太習慣在炎熱的夏天把褲管卷 起,節慶開始時其中一邊一時間忘了放下來。
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