Newsweek, June 4, 2012, 26.6 x 19.8 cm.

In pages 52-53 shows an image of a group of Pakistani tribesmen attending a funeral of people killed in an alleged U.S. drone strike in Karez Kot, a small village near the Afghanistan border in 2009. Sadness is overwhelming here as everybody is mourning the deceased except the one with white kamezz and light grey pakol in the middle. On close inspection, he also wears glasses which is quite rare in the village. He might be the most educated among all villagers, having studied in the city, perhaps the son of one of the Elders.


《新聞周刊》,2012 64 日,26.6 x 19.8 厘米。

52-53 頁可見接壤阿富汗的一條小村落的巴 基斯坦族民出席一個喪禮,攝於 2009 年,當 中死者於一次美國派遣的無人駕駛飛機襲擊中喪 生。現場愁雲慘霧,所有人都在哀悼,唯獨中央 穿白長衣和灰帽者卻轉身離開 ;仔細看他還架著 眼鏡,這在村中很罕有,或許他是長老的兒子, 曾到城市上學,是村中受最多教育的一位。
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