The offering of wheat—le Xme Congres National Eucharistique de Strasbourg, Keystone Press Agency Paris, gelatin silver print, July 18, 1935, 13 x 18 cm.

The 10th National Eucharistic Congress was held in Strasbourg from July 17 to 21, 1935 and on July 18 around 50,000 children from all regions of France came for the Children’s Day. Here the “Crusaders” offer bags of wheat to Bishop of Strasbourg and the Congress president. The boy on the right looks like the leader of the group. Around 7 years old, he lives far away and had to leave home at 3 in the morning for this meeting. A little tired, but he is still excited as this is the biggest gathering he has ever joined. He would not know he might actually have to fight in a real war some years later. Regrettably he might also miss the even bigger celebration in France for the peace.


《第 10 屆斯特拉斯堡全國聖體大會- 奉獻小麥》,巴黎 Keystone 新聞社,銀鹽照片,1935 7 18 日,13 x 18 厘米。

10 屆全國聖體大會於 1935717 21 日於斯特拉斯堡舉行,7 18 日有法國各地兒童約五萬名前來參加「兒童日」。照中可見「十字軍」列隊 向斯特拉斯堡主教和大會主席獻上一包包的小麥,站在右面的男孩看來像個小領袖,年約 7 歳。他住得很遠,凌晨 3 時便要出發來參加今天的聚會,雖有 點疲倦,還是很興奮,因為這是他有生以來參加過最多人的集會。他並沒想到數年後竟會參與一場真正的戰爭,也許還會錯過法國最大規模慶祝和平的集會。

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