Kingdom of Cambodia—Taprom, postcard, printed in Cambodia, circa 2000, 11.5 x 19 cm.

This photo was taken in Ta Prohm, one of the most visited religious ruins in Cambodia’s Angkor region. A rather rare view of this historic architecture for postcard suggests the time of photography probably before the well-known Hollywood movie Tomb Raider (2001). The movie’s relatively genuine representation of Ta Prohm turned some sites into popular tourist photo-taking spots and postcard images but not this one. The woman in this image could be an American tourist, perhaps a university professor in Asian studies holding the original 1944 French edition Les monuments du groupe d’Angkor by Maurice Glaize. She feels proud not to visit here in tourist groups.


《柬埔寨王國 :塔普倫寺》,明信片,柬埔寨印製,約 2000 年,11.5 x 19 厘米。

此圖攝於柬埔寨吳哥地區其中一個最多人參觀的宗教建築遺址,但取景卻較為少見,相信拍攝的時間應比荷李活電影《盜墓者羅拉》(2001 年)為早,因 為電影在該處取景,令其聲名大噪,片中景色都成為遊客的熱門拍攝點和常見明信片影像。圖中女遊人可能來自美國,或許是位亞洲研究方面的大學教授, 觀光指南要看 1944 年法文原版的《吳哥古蹟群》。她會因為不用參加旅行團來到這裡而感到自豪。
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