FRAME China, no. 2, 2010, 30 x 23 cm.

In pages 34 and 35, the Swiss Pavilion in the 12th Venice Biennale of Architecture is featured. Curated by Jürg Conzett, the exhibits are presented under the theme of “Landscape and Structures”. The young woman in shorts and t-shirt is looking at a large model of a bridge across two large contour blocks. She may be a Chinese American student majoring in painting. She does not quite understand the mechanics of forces but appreciates the beauty of forms. Doing a summer semester in the Florence campus of her US college, she thought it would be a great opportunity to visit Venice for the art biennale, only to find out that it is the architecture biennale when she arrived in Venice.


《間》,第 2 期,2010 年,30 x 23 厘米。

34 35 頁有第 12 屆威尼斯建築雙年展瑞士 國家館的特別介紹,展館由 Jürg Conzett 策 劃,以「景觀與結構」為主題。圖中穿 T 恤短 褲的女生或許是一名美國華人學生,主修繪畫 ; 她瞪著一個橫跨兩岸的大型橋樑模型,不太明白 箇中力學,但對造型卻十分感興趣。她趁著這個 夏天在美國大學的佛羅倫斯分校上課,是個好機 會到威尼斯看藝術雙年展,只是到了威尼斯才知 道今屆是建築雙年展。
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