Wik Dor Lei (Land of Profits)
Wood engraving, 198 x 137 cm, 1997
This bilingual listing of names of commercial buildings in Hong Kong, in form of traditional directory in the foyer of commercial buildings, contains no translation. Names in different languages serve the interest of different user. The meaning of the Chinese names here refers to profit-making in general where the English ones cover more diversity from history to happiness.

Provident Centre 和富中心 Elite Industrial Centre 億利工業中心 
Malahon Centre 萬利豐中心 Effectual Building 宜發大廈 
Beverly Commercial Building 百利商業大廈 New Henry House 新顯利大廈 
Henley House 恆利商業大廈 Marriott Hotel 萬豪酒店 
Kelly Commercial Building 基利商業大廈Kadoorie Mansion 加多利大廈 
Capital Building 金必多大廈 Goodfit Commercial Building 好發商業大廈 
Victoria Centre 維多利中心 Crawford Tower 加發商業中心 
Manley Commercial Building 萬利商業大廈Marigold Court 萬金閣 
Lee Roy Commercial Building 利來商業大廈 
Kimlay Commercial Building 金利商業大廈 Gough Plaza 經富中心 
Benefit Industrial Building 本利發工業大廈Paliburg Plaza 百利保大廈 
Harilela Mansion 喜利大廈 Willie Building 偉利大廈 
Season Commercial Building 時財商業大廈 Welland Shopping Arcade 偉利廣場 Cornell Centre 港利中心 Kingley Industrial Building 金來工業大廈 
Murray Building 美利大廈 Jubilee Commercial Building 捷利商業大廈 
Garfield Court 皆富閣 Hillier Commercial Building 喜利商業大廈 
Lee West Commercial Building 利威商業大廈 
Yardley Commercial Building 億利商業大廈 David House 得利樓 
Le Caine Building 利堅大廈 Burfield Building 必富商業大廈 
Valid Industrial Building 華利工業大廈 Kailey House 騏利大廈 
Rise Commercial Building 利時商業大廈 Hennessy Centre 興利中心 
Perfect Commercial Building 保發商業大廈 Winning House 永利大廈